slayinggiantspcThere is something we all have in common. We have a tendency to think the best of ourselves. And we do this so much so, that it makes it very difficult to admit when we are wrong, or need to change. And the reluctance, or inability to come to terms with the truth usually has a negative effect on our lives as well as those around us. Denial is a giant that can take down even the best of us. Denial is a key motivator in what promotes Christians to be so arrogantly judgmental. Arrogance comes from pride. God’s will for the follower of Jesus is not pride but humility. But before we can become humble, we need to get to self-awareness, before we can be self-aware we need to get to confession,  and before we can confess we have to slay the giant of denial. If we choose denial, someone or something will have to be sacrificed to cover your sins and it usually ends up being the people in our lives. But if we confess, Jesus takes our sin upon His cross, and wraps us in grace giving us the power to face the fallout and come out stronger on the other side.