Brew 5C 1300x1300October is upon us and so the mad rush to deck out our houses for Halloween mania is underway. Though Halloween can be a highly debated topic depending on what church you attend, the imagery of the witch’s cauldron describes a promise of God in an incredible way. In fairy tales, when the witch brews her magic potion, she puts in it all manner of strange and weird ingredients. The result is a powerful potion able to bring about the desires for whomever it was intended. In the Bible, Romans 8:28 reveals a promise that God takes every circumstance in our lives, the good, and the bad, and works them together to bring about good in our lives. Just like the witch and her cauldron, as we follow Jesus, God mixes together our experiences to ultimately bring us what we desire. At the heart of every person, we desire true joy, peace, love, and satisfaction. None of which is possible without Jesus. He is the source, and the distributor of what we truly need. During this 4 week series we are going to examine some of the “scary stories” of the Bible, and see how God’s promise is revealed in our lives.