During October, the culture gets overwhelmed with the desire to decorate their homes with spooky and scary imagery. Often, the popular Halloween costumes of the day revolve around what monster or character is made popular by Hollywood that year. From the wizards of Harry Potter, to the vampires and werewolves of Twilight, monster mayhem is never too far. This year, it seems that zombies are all the rage from shows like the walking dead, and even the new Disney Zombie movie. In every case, these zombie tales revolve around an event many call the zombie apocalypse. To the rational and sane this is but folklore and fairy tale, but to the die hard enthusiast it is a plausible if not inevitable event. This event, though seems to real to comprehend, and is well suited for fantastical and thrilling movies, is actually event that has been prophesied in the Bible, as one of the judgement unleashed by Jesus at his return. It is a world-wide pandemic that unless you make the proper preparations now, will be unavoidable and catastrophic. Join us for this two-part series, “Zombie Apocalypse” Sunday mornings at 10:45 at the Clio High School Auditorium!

1. It’s Really Happening!