57 Days That Changed the World?

From the triumphal entry of Jesus riding the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the garden, the cross, and the resurrection, the passion week has arguably had the greatest impact in the world then any other series of events. As powerful as Holy Week is, the story doesn't end on Sunday, but continues for the next 50 days and beyond! Join us for this study in the 57 Days that changed the world! 1. Palm Sunday 2. Resurrection Day 3. The Next 40 4. The Day of Pentecost 5. Acts 29- The Next Chapter

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The Last words recorded from Jesus include a prayer in John 17, where he intercedes for His church about a few things. He prays that we would be one with Him, One with Each Other, and that through our "oneness" the world would have the evidence it needs to believe Jesus is who He said He was. Due to technical difficulties episode one was not recorded, but you can catch the rest of this 3-part series below! 2. Becoming One with the Church 3. Becoming One with Purpose

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The Significance of the Christian faith and its impact on cultures across the world is no small thing. This is by the power of a simple message, "for God so loved (John 3:16)." Jesus continues to change hearts and lives by giving us the three necessary elements we humans need. Join us on the Journey as we discover the monumental impact of Jesus and the power of the Gospel. 1. Monumental Faith 2. Monumental Hope 3. Monumental Love

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Focus 2023

Listen to our message series that compliments our 10 days of fasting and prayer! If you want to join us in the journey, go to www.vlchurch.tv/focus2023 1. Look to the Cross 2. Light To My Path 3. Remember His Testimonies 4. Focus on the Mission

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Family Matters

The Holidays are upon us once again, and the air is beginning to fill with sentimental bliss! Though we love the holidays and all the joys they bring, often we can deal with issues and circumstances that work to rob us of the joy of the season. Join us in this new series as we tackle issues like calendar chaos, then there is THAT relative, do I gotta give again?, doing REAL good, and yes that family matters! 1. Calendar Chaos 2. And There Is THAT Relative! 3. Do I Gotta Give...Again? 4. Do REAL Good 5. Family Matters

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The Book of Revelation

One of the most mysterious, and confusing books of the Bible is also one of the most important books written for us today! Scholars have used various methods and means to try to understand this vision, but in recent years there has been a resurgence to understand it from its roots in the Hebrew Bible. Join us on this journey as we get into John's head, and unpack this vision that will bless us with a greater revelation of who Jesus is, and what is to come! 1. Revelation 1:4- The Introduction 2. Revelation 1 Part 2- The Lampstand 3. Revelation 1 Part 3- ...

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Sink or Swim

Everyone goes through difficult seasons. Sometimes when we feel like God is distant, and prayers are going unanswered we need to take matters into our own hands. As if there were only two options, sink or swim. Beloved, no matter how dark it gets, there is always hope, because Jesus is always at work. We can rest, and find rescue even in the middle of a storm, by putting our trust in him. 1. When I'm Treading 2. When I'm in the Storm 3. When It's My Fault

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Fan the Flame

1. Get Lit 2. Stoke the Fire 3. Oxygen 4. Fellowship 5. Flowing in the Gifts with Special Guest Mike Benson 6. Staying Lit

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As we begin this season of Lent in 2022, we are revisiting why Jesus is the most important figure in world history, to prepare our hearts to celebrate His resurrection and triumphant victory over death this Easter. 1. Jesus: Our Purpose 2. Jesus: Our Equalizer 3. Jesus: Our Example 4. Jesus: Our Liberator 5. Jesus: Our Teacher 6. Jesus: Our Muse 7. Jesus: Our Lamb

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22 Days of Prayer

We’re going to be embarking on a prayer journey together as a church! For the next 22 days, we will be pursuing a reconnected heart, personal revelation, and faith to walk in the calling God has placed on our lives and our church. We’ll have devotional packets available at the Connection Center for you to pick up to take the journey with us. We will kick off the journey on Sunday, but start the devotional on Monday. We are excited to see what God will do as we unite together with one heart, and one mind to press into His presence and promises! 1. Missing Ingredie...

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