It's commonly known that humans are creatures of habit. Scientists have now discovered that we are operating on the habitual level anywhere from 40 to 90 percent of the time. That means for at least half of our lives if not more, we are are coasting on autopilot not even really in control. We develop habits to acquire rewards. God designed us to enjoy pleasure. Everything He created was meant to be enjoyed by His creation. Our brains are hard wired to seek out and enjoy pleasurable things. When we experience pleasure the brain remembers how it experienced it, and creates ...
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Have you ever wondered why you struggle so much in this life?
Why it seems like you can never overcome certain habits and hangups, or why your relationships continually self destruct? Have you ever wondered why you battle with emotional issues, and or why life never seems as "abundant" as what Jesus said we could enjoy if we trusted in him?
Paul the Apostle in Ephesians Chapter 6:12 (NLT) says, 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and ...
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A very famous verse of the Bible says,
"Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see."
Hebrews 11:1 (NLT)
"Faith is the evidence of things we can not see" can also be understood today as the evidence for the existence of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Faith is vital to the Christian life not just to show the world that Jesus is the son of God and to affirm his sacrifice on the cross, but also is required to receive the salvation we need to be right with God. Paul in Ephesians chapter two said its by ...
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Psalm 118:14 says the Lord is my strength and my Song for he has given us the victory! When we recognize who God is and what we have in Jesus Christ His praise should erupt from our hearts! But life has a way of dimming the joy we experience when our troubles are ever before us. When our lives are surrounded by negativity without maintaining a strong connection to God our soul's begin to suffer. A weary soul will find it hard to sing his praises. The Psalms were written as divine messages from God to not only instruct our praise, but help us connect to his ...
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In This 2 part series, Pastor Luke walks us through what church community is, and how we fulfill our purpose through it.
1. Phase 1-Church is a Family
2. Phase 2-Outreach
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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the anchor for our faith. Without the resurrection of Jesus, Paul says, our faith is useless. But Jesus didn't just come to give us a ticket into heaven. No, he came to give us an abundant life. If we follow his teachings, we are like the builder who builds his house upon the rock. When we encounter storms, we will not be shaken, but will be left standing strong. Jesus is the foundation stone, the cornerstone prophesied by Isaiah who we could safely build upon. The more of our lives are built on the rock, the more we will experience that ...
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In the air there is a feeling of Christmas. There is something about this time of year that just makes you feel good, and compels us to live out the same ole traditions in the same ole ways. From ugly sweaters, to yule logs, we can't help but get wrapped up in all this season brings. This year we are going to take a look at popular holiday films, and see what timeless truths are found in these classic tales! Join us for our December series, "Vertical Life Church Presents!"
1. It's a Wonderful Life
2. Elf Yourself
3. Miracle on 34th ST
4. The Family Man
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October is upon us and so the mad rush to deck out our houses for Halloween mania is underway. Though Halloween can be a highly debated topic depending on what church you attend, the imagery of the witch's cauldron describes a promise of God in an incredible way. In fairy tales, when the witch brews her magic potion, she puts in it all manner of strange and weird ingredients. The result is a powerful potion able to bring about the desires for whomever it was intended. In the Bible, Romans 8:28 reveals a promise that God takes every circumstance in our lives, the good, and ...
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Its the first book of the New Testament, lived over 2,000 years ago. God breaks the 400 year silence. He takes the form of a man, and changes the world beginning with 12 common men who were unlikely candidates. This is the confession of Matthew, a notorious sinner who was despised by everyone. Join us on this journey as we dive into this eyewitness account of the life of Jesus Christ as seen through the eyes of Matthew.
1. Tax Collector
2. Massacre of the Innocence
3. Character of a Culture Leader
4. The Temptation
5. The Sermon Part 1- Beatitudes
6. ...
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Something we always talk about but have a hard time understanding is grace. Grace is on more than 12 thousand baby names lists in the US and is currently number 21 on the charts for 2014. Which means this word has made a huge impact on our culture. But what is grace really? How do we know if we are experiencing grace, and especially how do we show grace to others? Join us as we look how God demonstrated his grace, and how we can show that grace in our daily lives.
1. More than Amazing
2. For the Faithful
3. For the Sinner and the Saint
4. Grace Filled Life
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