There is so much happening on the world stage. Many social issues are being discussed for potential legislation unlike any other time in our nation's history. But for many Christians, we are caught between responding with harsh emotion, or giving in to the pressure of acceptance. In this new series we will investigate what God's word says to us about what it means to be human, what God's plan is for sexuality, and what the Christian response should be to a culture becoming increasingly more hostile to a biblical point of view.
1. The Setting
2. Fracture
3. The ...
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We've all heard and said phrases like, "All you need is love." "Make Love not war." "Falling in love." "Falling out of love." One has to wonder, with all of these amazing sayings about love, why, many of us still feel so unloved? Maybe because these empty expressions of love aren't really love at all. No wonder it's so hard to understand what love truly is. God, who is the source of "True Love" gives us the very definition we need to understand in order to experience it. Not just to experience it for ourselves, but also to live to share it with others. Join us Easter ...
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Waking up to the world is a challenge everyday. Life as a Christian is supposed to be a life filled with blessing, yet somehow we seem to always wrestle with things that stand in our way. Like a giant, the obstacles seem so fierce, reducing us to feel like nothing more than an underdog. But for the Christ follower, we have been called to something greater. And the reality is, that the giants we face aren't really obstacles coming at us from the outside, but coming at us from within our very own hearts. Join us as we identify the areas in our lives that are giving power to ...
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This world is in desperate need for change. But before it can be changed, it needs an army of change makers to rise up to face the challenges set before them. Many of us wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and brace ourselves for the same ole same ole not thinking our situation could be any different. But what if…you dared to dream? What if… you put feet to that dream? What if… that dream inspired others to join you in making that dream a reality? What would your neighborhood, your city, your state, and or your country look like? God has a great purpose for ...
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Christmas is arguably one of the biggest Holidays of the year. And one of the focal points is a decoration called "The Nativity." And these scenes are displayed depicting solemn characters in a serene setting almost too perfect for words. And when we hear songs like away in a manger, and silent night, we create a picturesque image of what the birth of the most influential person in the world looked like. The reality is, that the real story was nothing like that. The event we celebrate in one night actually took place over the coarse of several years. And its a dark story ...
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As we enter the holiday season, we naturally become conscious of the need to be generous. One of the hallmarks of the church is crazy generosity. One of the ways we live this out is in the way we finance the ministry of the local church. Many of us give out of guilt or obligation, or deep sense of duty. Many of us don't even know why we give or how we should give. Join us this November, as we explore how to honor God with the what, the how, and the why of giving.
Give: Tithe
Give: First
Give: Yourself
Give: Thanks
Give: Hope
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From time to time we will have special guests and independent messages not included inside a sermon series. You can find them here!
1. Change: Going Through the Process
10/26/2014 by Pastor Joey
2. Where Are We Going?
11/1/2015 by Pastor Joey
3. Raised to Life
08/07/2016 by Pastor Joey
4. Uncommon Fellowship
5/14/2017 By Pastor Joey
5. Out of the Box
9/29/2019 by Chris Moyer
6. God's Heart for Missions
By Pastor Joey 9/10/2019
7. Fear Not
By Pastor Toni 9/17/2019
8. Baptism Sunday 2022
by Pastor Joey
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19 “Write down what you have seen—both the things that are now happening and the things that will happen.” 20 This is the meaning of the mystery of the seven stars you saw in my right hand and the seven gold lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
With all of the world events happening around us (weather, war, disease) many are asking the question, “are we in the last days?” One thing is for certain. Jesus is going to return, and there will be a generation ...
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A hashtag is a label- it is a brand- it is used to define something, someone, or some experience...A hashtag is also a "thread," a line of reasoning or train of thought that connects the parts in a sequence (as of ideas or events). Life is a battleground. The war that is waged is the war for our minds. What we think, what we believe will determine the types of choices we will make. Our enemy tries to force negative hashtags on us to weaken our faith and keep us from living victorious lives. If we allow ourselves to be labeled with negative hashtags it will affect our ...
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When our friends in ministry stop by to bring us a word from God or update us on their ministries you can catch it right here!
The Berry Family: Missionaries to Madagascar- were with us June 22, 2014
Scott Pethtel: Missionary to Italy was with us March 29, 2015
The Tongs: Misisonaries to Thailand were with us May 31, 2015
The Cliftons, Founding Pastors of Rouge Church in Dearborn, MI were with us June 4, 2017
The Woodworths Missionaries to Honduras were with us July 16, 2017
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