We want to say thank you to all the dads who step up to raise the next generation of leaders in our church and culture at large. Your impact will go beyond what you will be able to see as you leave a Godly legacy for generations to come. It can be hard because of the stresses of life to stay engaged and connected with the honor and responsibility it is to be a dad so we thought we would celebrate Father's Day in a special way this year. This year we are honoring fatherhood, and being a parent in general by joining with some of our families in celebrating the dedication ...
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Every organization is built upon certain foundational principals that define the culture and decisions the organization makes. As we began praying through how God would lead us to direct Vertical Life Church we were drawn to the Book of Acts to see how the first "church" operated and what attributes defined their reputation. So we took our cues from scripture and built our ministry on six core values we see evident in the lives of those first disciples of Christ. In this series we will introduce you to each of the six core values and how those values are going to shape the culture and decisions of Vertical Life Church, as well as how striving to live these vales out personally will help you live a vertical (God glorifying) life!
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Do you find it easy to get discouraged? Do you feel almost powerless to change your circumstances? Do you look for answers in the Bible only to compare yourself to the people written on the pages, and find yourself asking, “what’s wrong with me?” We often describe their spiritual lives with greatness, and ours with failure. Truth is, there’s nothing wrong with us. The same Holy Spirit lives inside of us that lived inside the miracle makers of the Bible. It just takes faith for God to work out His promises in our lives. But most of the time, our lives can be defined by the comfort we cling to rather than the faith we follow. God has invited all of us on an incredible journey of faith! So whether you've been a Christian for a long time, or maybe you are just checking this faith thing out for the first time, We invite you to join us for our worship experience Sunday morning @ 10:30 as we talk about “Launching” our faith in this new series. This could be the day that changes your life forever!
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