Open Heavens

There is a mystery behind the gathering of worship. When the Church gathers together, the place in which they meet becomes Holy ground, and the doorway between heaven and earth is opened. Join us as we explore the what, why, and how of the worship gathering in our new series! 1. House of God 2. Heavenly Conversation Part 1 3. Heavenly Conversation Part 2

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40 Day F.A.S.T

Join us as we seek the Lord for these 4 things: 1. A greater measure of His presence and power corporately 2. A deep Hunger for His presence personally 3.Spirit-filling and boldness in outreach 4.Growing numbers for greater impact 1. Power to Fight 2. Living on the Word 3. Are You Testing or Trusting? 4. Agreement Grants Authority

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Mother’s Day 2019

Listen to a message form Pastor Toni Henry as she brings a message about finding Joy in Surrender for this Mother's day! Joy in Surrender

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All Things New

The resurrection of Jesus is the most significant event in the history of the world, and if you let it, it can be the most significant event in the history of your life! Join us for our new series, as we discover how all things can become new! 1. Second Chance at Life 2. A New Path 3. A New Dream

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Go For It!

There is a deep longing in every heart. This longing has been driving mankind to search for fulfillment in anything it can get its hands on or hope to discover. This longing, can not be satisfied in what we can see, taste, or touch, it can only be satisfied by rediscovering a relationship we lost long ago. A relationship, with our Heaven.y Father. Join us, as we discover the answer to the question what have been searching for! 1. Created For Relationship 2. Pursuing Presence 3. Walking in Power 4. The Gathering 5. The Invitation

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Walk with the Wise

Join us Sunday Morning's at 10:45 am for a study in the book of Proverbs, as we seek to grow in wisdom, and pursue the purpose of God in our lives! 1. The Beginning of Wisdom 2. Wisdom for Influences: Part 1 3. Wisdom for Influences: Part 2 (The Immoral Woman) 4. Wisdom for the Latter Days 5. Wisdom for Parenthood 6. Wisdom for Adolescence 7. Wisdom for Relationships 8. Wisdom for Finances

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Grow 2019

Every year, rather than a slew of resolutions, we seek the Spirit of God for a word that will carry us through the year as a theme, and goal, to guide us into his purposes for us in the coming year. This year, the word is grow, and we believe that God is not just interested in numerical growth, but specifically set on spiritual growth, as we learn to know him more deeply, walk in greater faith, exercise our spiritual gifts, and advance his kingdom ministry in our community. We invite you to join us on the journey, as we seek to grow in 2019! Grow 2019 grow -2019 ...

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Prepare Your Heart for Christmas

It is easy to get overwhelmed and consumed with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. However, if we are not careful, we may miss out on the blessing that this time of year is meant to provide. The Christmas story does not begin with the birth of Jesus just like the month of December does not begin with Christmas. We must take a journey to get to the blessed moment of our Savior's birth, a journey that God intends to use to lead us into his promises. Before we can receive the fulfillment of promises, we must prepare our hearts to receive our king! 1.Turn Your ...

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Come and See

We are called to mission as the church of Jesus Christ. A missional church is a sent church, and likewise a sent church, is comprised of sent people. Though we recognize that our main objective in life and purpose as a follower of Christ is to share the gospel, one of the biggest fears, or hindrances to mission is sharing the gospel. In this series, we are going to talk about aspects of how to share the gospel in a way that removes fear, and opens the door to invite those far from God in your life to simply come and see. 1. Jesus is the Stairway 2. Fisher's of Men ...

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Zombie Apocalypse

During October, the culture gets overwhelmed with the desire to decorate their homes with spooky and scary imagery. Often, the popular Halloween costumes of the day revolve around what monster or character is made popular by Hollywood that year. From the wizards of Harry Potter, to the vampires and werewolves of Twilight, monster mayhem is never too far. This year, it seems that zombies are all the rage from shows like the walking dead, and even the new Disney Zombie movie. In every case, these zombie tales revolve around an event many call the zombie apocalypse. To the ...

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